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Scholarly Journals

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Use the search box below to find peer reviewed articles published in scholarly journals.

Search box includes the EBSCOhost databases (Academic Search Premier, Alt HealthWatch, Business Source Premier, CINAHL Plus, ERIC, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, MasterFILE Complete, MEDLINE, OmniFile Full Text Select, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, Science & Technology Collection, Vocational and Career Collection) and the Directory of Open Access Journals website.

Law Reviews

Search Nexis Uni for law reviews focusing on legal issues. Select "Law Reviews" on the left to limit your results to law reviews only. NOTE: Law reviews are scholarly journals but the articles aren't peer reviewed.
law review limiter in Nexis Uni dialog displaying Guided search with Law Reviews in focus under the section what are you interested in


The EBSCOhost databases are included in the Peer Reviewed Journal Articles search box above. If you choose to search an EBSCOhost database separately, you must limit your results to journal articles by selecting the Peer Reviewed limiter on the far left. To retrieve articles from all scholarly journals (including those that aren't peer reviewed), select Academic Journals.

Peer reviewed and Academic Journal limiters in EBSCOhost showing a list of check boxes with focus on limiting to peer reviewed articles and gathering from academic journal sources.


For more information about scholarly journals and the peer review process, see:

Types of Sources (click "Popular v. Scholarly")

Finding Sources (click "Scholarly Journals")

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