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联络OPE电子竞技官网警方, 打电话给531-622-2222

奥马哈堡校区,北纬5300度. 30th St.68111,奥马哈,34号楼


The Metropolitan 社区 College 警察 department (OPE电子竞技官网警察) was established in October 2010 in response to a National trend of public postsecondary schools having dedicated law enforcement agencies, providing a quicker response time to incidents and offering college-specific services. OPE电子竞技官网警察 has the primary jurisdiction and responsibility to investigate crimes and provide police services for OPE电子竞技官网 locations within the four-county service area. 警察 Officers are located at the Elkhorn Valley, Fort Omaha and 南奥马哈校区es and the various Centers as needed. OPE电子竞技官网警察 is available 24 hours a day, seven days per week, including holidays.

OPE电子竞技官网警察 is recognized by the Nebraska Commission of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice as a Law Enforcement Agency; therefore, 警察 Officers are commissioned and certified as Nebraska Law Enforcement Officers. OPE电子竞技官网警察 Officers are also appointed by the Governor of the State of Nebraska as Special Deputy State Sheriffs to enforce the laws of the state on all properties under the jurisdiction, 监督, or control of the 理事会 of the Metropolitan 社区 College Area, 无论这些属性是什么, and any City and County where such properties are located.

The department also employs civilian Public Safety Officers whose primary purpose is to provide security. Public Safety Officers are not armed and do not have arrest powers (non-commissioned); however, 他们接受安全训练, life safety and handling situations with which they may be called to respond.

每个月, OPE电子竞技官网警察 provides its Uniform Crime Report to the Nebraska Crime Commission as required for the inclusion of crime statistics published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The mission of the OPE电子竞技官网警察 is to provide a safe environment for students, faculty and staff that enhances the educational mission of OPE电子竞技官网. Prevention of crime is a priority at all OPE电子竞技官网 educational sites.

OPE电子竞技官网警察 Department services include, but not limited to:

  • Enforce state statutes and city ordinances
  • Enforcement of College rules and regulations
  • 应对医疗紧急情况
  • 调查机动车辆意外
  • Patrol campus property and provide escorts to faculty, staff and students as requested
  • 社区培训计划
  • Provide assistance with disabled vehicles (jump starts and unlocks)
  • Assist students, staff and the general public with information and directions
  • Check all facilities for hazards and safety compliance

OPE电子竞技官网 students and staff are encouraged to enroll and participate in the emergency text messaging alert system. 参观 OPE电子竞技官网紧急通知系统 网站.

Emergency Preparedness and Situational Awareness Training

OPE电子竞技官网警察 offers free training for faculty and staff to discuss how we can increase survivability by empowering individuals to participate in their own survival. Extreme Violence is becoming more frequent and mainstream around the nation and world. Training consists of Awareness and Communication strategies and Response Options strategies.


  • Situational Awareness for recognizing pre-incident indicators before a crisis occurs.
  • The Survival Mindset: believing that you can take control and survive Extreme Violence.
  • Courses of action to take in an Extreme Violence situation like an Active Shooter, 刀攻击, 炸弹威胁, 骚乱, 甚至是车辆袭击.
  • What to do when law enforcement teams arrive.

Active Shooter Response — Options To Consider

The video in the link below is produced by the U.S. 网络安全 & 基建保安局(CISA) 长度不到十分钟. The CISA "Options for Consideration 射击训练视频" demonstrates possible actions that individuals can take if confronted with an active shooter scenario. This instructive video reviews the choices of running, 隐藏, 或者作为最后的选择, 与枪手搏斗. The video also shows how to assist authorities once law enforcement arrives.


